The highest motivation a man can have is to give God glory. The reason that this is the highest motivation a man can have is because the desire to give God glory flows from a heart of love. Christians, whether strong in the faith or weak in the faith, desire to give God glory because they love Him for first loving them. This section of Scripture gives us three ways to give God glory.
First, Christians give God glory by having unity of mind (Romans 15:5). Christians are to be unified in the essentials and give liberty in the nonessentials. The nonessentials are to never be allowed to become issues over which Christians divide. Since all Christians, whether strong or weak in the faith, are in the faith, they are to be of the same mind toward one another (Romans
Second, Christians give God glory by having unity of voice (Romans 15:6). Unity of mind in the essentials of the Gospel leads to unity of voice in declaring and guarding the Gospel. When Christians have unity of mind they also have unity or harmony of voice (literally, mouth). This means that in a cliché, “We are all singing off the same page in the Hymn book.” Disagreement in the nonessentials is to never interrupt the unity of mind or unity of voice among Christians. The Gospel is God’s tuning fork for His children and it gives us unity of mind and unity of voice so that God gets the glory for His amazing orchestration and harmonization of sinners saved by His grace. Christians give God glory by having unity of mind and unity of voice in the Gospel and by not allowing disagreements in the nonessentials divide the church.
Third, Christians give God glory by having unity of purpose (Romans 15:7). Unity of mind and unity of voice leads to unity of purpose. When we are unified in these three ways, we accept one another rather than fight one another. Christians cannot stand firm against those who corrupt the Gospel when they are fighting each other. Christians are to be of the same mind, maintaining the same love [accepting one another], united in spirit, intent on one purpose [striving together for the faith of the Gospel] (Philippians 2:2). The real purpose of the church cannot be achieved if our unity is something other than the essentials of the Gospel or if we do not accept one another when we disagree in the nonessentials.
When we disagree in the nonessentials, we please one another on the basis of the Sovereign’s glory. We get back to the basics and have unity of mind, voice, and purpose for the glory of God.